The following guidelines are for Lynbrook Residents & Businesses
Click here for a printable version of this guideFinding a towed or impounded vehicle in Lynbrook (call 516-599-3300 for impounded vehicles in Lynbrook instead)office printer.
Getting travel directions(call your destination and ask them, only call 516-599-3300 if you must call about a Lynbrook location and no other source is available). (Try,, or as an alternative.
Inquiring about school openings and closings(call Lynbrook Schools at 516-887-0253, Malverne Schools at 516-887-6400, Valley Stream Schools at 516-256-0154, East Rockaway Schools at 516-887-8300, or Hewlett- Woodmere School District at 516-374-8000.)
Reporting a blocked driveway, obstructed hydrant, etc.(call 516-599-3300)
Reporting a major noise complaint(call 516-599-3300)
Asking about traffic tickets(call the Village Justice Court at 516-599-0416) 8AM to 4PM, Mon-Fri
To call Lynbrook Fire Department regarding a non emergency - (call 516-599-1547).
Asking about a late school bus (call Lynbrook Schools at 516-887-0253, Malverne Schools at (516) 887-6400 or Valley Stream Schools at 516-256-0154).
Checking of current or future weather conditions or situations, instead as a suggestion try or
Reporting rust in the water or dirty water(call the L.I. Water Company at 1-877-426-6999 or visit them online at
To report a power failurewhere there are no wires or poles down. Call LIPA at (800) 490-0075.
If you see wires in the street or utility poles either knocked down or in danger of falling, CALL 911.
Contacting a police officer at the police front deskfor a non emergency (call 516-599-3300).
Reporting street lights out(call the non emergency police number at 516-599-3300)
No heat problem(Call the Building Department 516-599-8828 during normal business hours and 599-3300 after hours only.)
Reporting problems with a building's structure,(not in imminent danger of collapse), etc. Call the Building Department at 516-599-8828 during normal business hours, and 516-599-3300 after hours only.
Public health problem(Call the Nassau County Department of Health at 516-571-8200)
To report low flying aircraft,contact the FAA directly by phone: at (516) 228-8029.
CONTACT US HERERemember, calling 911 for a non emergency ties up telephone lines and diverts the dispatcher’s valuable time from a TRUE emergency. For non emergencies call the Lynbrook Police Department at 516-599-3300.
Be patient as the operator may be taking an emergency call on the 911 console.
Disclaimer: The Lynbrook Police Department is not responsible for the content of the links to outside websites provided. These links are provided only as a public service to our residents, and should not be considered an endorsement of their products, content or services.